About us

Rectangular Connector
PARTSONE ELECTRONIC is an independent distributor of electronic components, committed to providing seamless integration of distribution services for world-renowned brands. Since we were established in 2015, we have adhered to honesty and ethics as our business philosophy. We rely on a strong information network and supplier database and have gradually established an excellent reputation and credibility in our international business. With accurate quotations, excellent credit, reasonable prices, reliable quality, fast delivery, and authentic service, we have won the praise of the majority of our customers.

Our Story

We are a quality-focused industry leader in supplying hard-to-find, long lead-time, end-of-life (EOL), and obsolete electronic components. Our in-house quality assurance department and lab have been recognized as one of the industry leaders for our counterfeit mitigation program. The inspection process that we follow for all product is based on current industry standards. Under the fluctuating market conditions, one or two service capabilities can no longer meet he needs of downstream end customers. "Almighty" distributors are the ultimate manifestation of differentiated competition. PARTSONE ELECTRONIC's future competition will focus on comprehensive service capabilities, large-scale concentration, Digital upgrade.

Real-Time Quotation
After Sales

Global Locations

More than 5 branches around the world